Friday 14 February 2020


                                             Joel 2:25-32 New King James Version (NKJV)
                        25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming [a]locust has eaten,
                                    The crawling locust,
                                    The consuming locust,
                                    And the chewing locust,
                                   My great army which I sent among you.
                       26 You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,
                                   And praise the name of the Lord your God,
                                   Who has dealt wondrously with you;
                                   And My people shall never be put to shame.
                       27 Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel:
                                  I am the Lord your God
                                  And there is no other.
                                 My people shall never be put to shame.

Let Me start by wishing you a Happy Valentine's day, but I am going to talk about the Strength to Move on.

I know today is Valentine's day - the only day some people show Love but we are not here to throw shade. 

Some ladies and gentlemen need strength to move on. We’ve all been there and those that haven’t, I pray you don’t have to go through such pain and those that are currently trying to gather strength here are some tips on how to do so.

Strength to start over; this was something I really struggled with, it was very challenging but healing is a process. 

1. You have to ask GOD for strength. You can’t do it own your own, swallow your pride and ask your maker to help you with it. He would surely do! 

2. Be ready! Are you really sure you want to start over? You can’t be double minded about it. It’s not an easy thing to do so refer back to No 1.

3. Enjoy the process. It's like building a house, you don’t worry and try to rush it. The finished product will be beautiful both in and out. As a beautiful house can’t go unnoticed, so people would see it and very soon you would invite people for the housewarming.

4. Stop hanging on to the past. If it was perfect, you won’t want to start over in the first place. Don’t worry about lost time or things, when there is life there is hope. 

I want to say a big thank you to all that waited patiently for me. Sis is back! The Blog will be centered on Advice, relationships to be precise but don’t worry, there will also be fashion based contents. 

Skirt: Rhoda Doxa Fashion.
Shout out to My Amazing Photographer: Jasper (+592 628 3024)
If You want to win a skirt similar to that just comment and make sure to share. 

As always,

                                 JESUS LOVES YOU!


Unknown said...

Faithful God. Keep thriving my dear.

Anonymous said...

Faithful God. Keep thriving my dear.

Ade Adiji said...

This is so encouraging at such a time as this. There’s nothing compared to being hopeful and optimistic about future while allowing the past to be by-gone except taking the lessons learned from previous experiences. Thank you Rhodadoxa for being the vessel, God is using to speak in the very heart of what matters and the issues we face today. This is undoubted encouraging and inspiring!!!!

Nickiela Reid said...

So inspiring, you look lovely hun.

Deelivia said...

Thank you for this advice. You look good too. Welcome back ore mi